We reached a major milestone on our St Giles Circus project at the weekend when Skanska installed four 35m long, 50 tonne steel beams. These are currently supported by temporary steelwork but will eventually span across the acoustically isolated 2000 person capacity music venue. Designed in conjunction with the structural engineer, Engenuiti we have utilised an innovative ‘top down’ basement construction which allows the contractor to proceed works above and below ground simultaneously, delivering a major programme saving for our client, Consolidated Developments.

We reached a major milestone on our St Giles Circus project at the weekend when Skanska installed four 35m long, 50 tonne steel beams. These are currently supported by temporary steelwork but will eventually span across the acoustically isolated 2000 person capacity music venue. Designed in conjunction with the structural engineer, Engenuiti we have utilised an innovative ‘top down’ basement construction which allows the contractor to proceed works above and below ground simultaneously, delivering a major programme saving for our client, Consolidated Developments.